Benefits of All-on-4® Treatment

Benefits of All-on-4® Treatment

Ageing is a natural and unavoidable part of life. Yet, ageing brings about one major issue, which is tooth loss. If you have many missing teeth, you might find it difficult to chew and savour many of your favourite foods, not to mention you might feel embarrassed to go to social gatherings. Apart from ageing, many dental health problems can contribute to missing teeth.

Many dental technology advancements have made it possible to replace missing teeth like dentures, dental bridges, implants, and more. However, no treatment can provide the confidence, comfort, and satisfaction that dental implants do.

While you may be sceptical and also dreadful about replacing many of your teeth with implants, we have an easy and convenient solution to your problem – All-On-4® Dental Implants.

What is All-On-4 dental implants?

All-On-4® Treatment in Warriewood is a revolutionary approach to dental implants. Instead of a single dental implant placed for every lost tooth, the dentist uses four implants to secure an upper or lower arch of teeth.

Dentists at our All-On-4 Clinic can replace your entire smile with a beautiful and fully functioning prosthetic. It will look natural, and no one will guess you’ve had dental work.

6 Benefits of All-On-4® Treatment

In general, dental implants of any kind—single or implant-retained—are the most desirable tooth replacement method because there are benefits during and after placement.

#1 A Cost-Effective Way to Enjoy Dental Implants

Typically, if you have significant or complete tooth loss, it is more expensive to choose one implant for every lost tooth. All-On-4 uses only four dental implants to secure your upper or lower arch of teeth. This eliminates the need for individual implants, reducing the overall cost.

#2 All-On-4 May Mean a Faster Recovery for You

As a rule, it doesn’t take much time to recover from dental implant placement. Yet, many times, when you get several implants in your jaw, it might take more time to recover.

However, inserting these implants at our All-On-4 Dental Clinic will be less invasive than ten and promote a speedier recovery.

#3 Dental Implants Promote Jawbone Health

Your jawbone needs the support of tooth roots to remain healthy and viable. When teeth are lost, the bone deteriorates, which can lead to dental health problems and a prematurely aged look in your lower face profile.

Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that supports jawbone health and vitality. As there are only 4 implants needed, much of your tooth root and jaw remains intact and healthy.

#4 Dental Implants May Last a Lifetime

Most tooth replacement options run their course and need replacing after a few years. For example, you might need to replace your dentures if they feel loose, keep falling out, are uncomfortable, or sore your gum line.

Dental implants, however, can last for decades. They have even been known to last a lifetime. Even if you must replace the retained arch at some point in the distant future, your implant posts should still be viable.

#5 Dental Implants Restore Your Bite

When you have significant tooth loss, you typically limit your diet to soft foods or those that are easy to gnash inside the mouth.

While other treatment options provide you relief from eating only soft food, you might still not be able to eat certain hard foods, or your teeth replacement might fall off. On the contrary, All-On-4 Dental Implants can give your jaw the solidarity to chew even hard food. With All-on-4 dental implant surgery, you can enjoy complex foods again and even adopt a healthier diet.

#6 Dental Implants and All-On-4 Look and Function Like Natural Teeth

With dental implants, you’ll not have to use adhesives to keep your smile from rocking and tilting. There are no in-house relines. Additionally, the artificial teeth look natural and complement your face structure and complexion. No one will know they’re implants!

How Our All-on-4 Clinic Works

All-On-4 Dental Implants can be completed with only a few steps in our clinic.

Step 1: Your All-on-4 Consultation

At this visit, you meet with the dentist to determine implant candidacy and to share your smile goals with us. As always, we welcome your questions and are happy to address your concerns. Part of this visit includes a discussion with your All-On-4 Dentist.

We also plan your treatment and discuss any post-op procedures that may be necessary before your All-On-4 Dental implant surgery in Warriewood.

We are meticulous planners at United Dental Clinic because our goal is to provide you with the Best All-On-4 Dental Implants around!

Step 2: Surgical Placement of Your All-on-4 Full Arch Dental Implants

On surgery day, we ensure you’re relaxed and comfortable before placing your dental implants into the jaw—four implants per arch. We perform your surgery under powerful local anaesthesia.

Step 3: Attaching Your Arch of Replacement Teeth

After placement of your arch or arches, you’re free to smile and eat freely without restrictions!

After All-on-4 Dental Implant Treatment

After treatment, your dentist will continue to care for your smile. There will be a healing period, where you will need to take care of your implants, and your dentist will guide you on how to navigate that. Remember, even with full-mouth prosthetics, it’s still vital to continue seeing the dentist for check-ups.

We’ll also show you how to best care for your implant arches to promote dental implant longevity.

Are You Considering All-on-4 Treatment Warriewood?

We provide custom dental implants and All-On-4 and are happy to help you restore your smile today.

If you want to learn more about our dental implant options or are ready to book a consultation with the implant dentist, we welcome your call.

At the time of this writing, we’re offering complimentary dental implant consultations in Northern Beaches. At this visit, we also offer Veneers Procedure, you’ll learn whether you’re an immediate candidate for implants or if you’ll need pretreatments to bring you into candidacy. This consultation allows you to make an informed decision about your tooth replacement! Ask a dental team member for details.