Unlocking Your Best Smile: A Guide to Dental Crown Brilliance

Unlocking Your Best Smile: A Guide to Dental Crown Brilliance

Dental crowns can restore your smile beautifully by supporting weak or damaged teeth and concealing flaws or imperfections. They also play a role in tooth replacement, connecting the dental bridge to healthy teeth and capping single dental implants.

Because they play a vital role in dentistry, it only makes sense for your Warriewood dentist to use the most trusted labs and quality materials to fabricate these all-important restorations.

The team at United Dental Clinic take a patient-centred approach to dental care and wants the best for our valued patients.

Continue reading to learn how Dental Crown Procedure works and how they can help you unlock your best smile.

What Are Dental Crowns and Bridges?

Dental crowns are caps placed over a damaged tooth to restore its strength, shape, size, and appearance.

They can be made from various materials, including metal, porcelain, or resin. Crowns are used to:

  • Protect a weak tooth from breaking or fracturing
  • Restore a cracked or broken tooth
  • Cover a severely decayed tooth
  • Support a large filling
  • Improve the appearance of a tooth
  • Hold a dental bridge in place

Dental bridges are fixed dental restorations. They are used to replace one or more missing teeth.

They are made up of two or more crowns that are placed on the teeth on either side of the gap and artificial teeth (pontics) that fill the space where the teeth are missing.

Bridges are used to:

  • Restore your ability to chew and speak properly
  • Improve your smile
  • Maintain the shape of your face
  • Prevent remaining teeth from shifting out of position

Dental Crowns and Bridges aim to restore the appearance and functionality of your teeth.

How Dental Crown Procedure Works?

Dental crowns are a versatile restoration and are a vital part of modern dentistry.

Supporting Weak Teeth

A tooth damaged or previously infected through the canal needs support to remain viable. Likewise, deep tooth decay that is too extensive for a filling may need a crown.

The dental crown saves the tooth from loss or breakage by providing a safe space between the weak tooth and your bite force.

The Dental Crown Procedure, in this case, involves preparing the tooth—clearing away old filling material, decay and jagged edges—and then cementing the restoration to the gumline.

Hiding Tooth Flaws

Tooth crowns can conceal many cosmetic issues, including:

  • Tooth discolouration
  • Small gaps between teeth
  • Short and worn teeth
  • Chips and cracks
  • General imperfections

Dental Crowns and Bridges

Dental crowns work with dental bridges to restore your smile when teeth are missing.

A dental bridge is a prosthetic that holds one or two teeth. There is a tooth crown on either end. The crowns are fitted over healthy teeth, which allows the bridge teeth to fill the space.

A bridge is a fixed restoration that can only be removed by your dentist. For the best results, we recommend using a floss threader and a small cleaning brush to maintain it.

These items help prevent debris and bacteria from accumulating on the bridge and at the gumline.

If you’re considering this type of prosthetic, we urge you to book a Dental Bridge Consultation in Warriewood.

Dental Crowns and Single Dental Implants

A dental implant takes the place of your lost tooth root.

Your dentist implants it in the jaw, where it integrates and lays the foundation for your new tooth.

The tooth is a custom dental crown attached to the implant with an abutment. Ensure to choose a reputed Crown Dental Clinic for your treatment.

Taking Care of Your Dental Crowns

Dental implant and dental crown care can be assimilated into your daily oral hygiene routines.

In other words, when you brush and floss your teeth, do the same for your crowns and dental implants. There are no added steps or products involved!

Additionally, you’ll want to continue seeing your Northern Beaches dentist for dental check-ups and teeth cleans.

You risk restoration or prosthetic failure and additional tooth loss without proper dental care and at-home oral hygiene sessions.

Remember, even with full mouth restorations or prosthetics, it’s important to maintain gum health, as gum disease can lead to tooth loss and even negatively impact your general health.

If you develop bruxism, it’s essential to talk to your dentist. Bruxism means you grind your teeth during sleep.

This can destroy your dental work and your teeth. It can also lead to complications with the temporomandibular joints that allow for chewing and speaking.

Therefore, it is essential that you cilsult a reputed dentist for your Dental Crowns and Bridges in North Sydney.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are dental crowns and bridges right for me?

If you have a damaged, decayed, or missing tooth that is affecting your smile, chewing, or speech, dental crowns or bridges may be a suitable solution. Consulting with your dentist will help determine if they are the right option for your specific situation.

How long do dental crowns and bridges last?

With proper care and oral hygiene, Dental Crown and Dental Bridges can last for many years – often over a decade. Maintaining good oral hygiene practices like brushing, flossing, and regular dental checkups is crucial for their longevity.

Do dental crowns and bridges look natural?

Modern dental materials allow for the creation of crowns and bridges that closely resemble the natural appearance of teeth. They can be colour-matched to blend seamlessly with your surrounding teeth for a natural-looking smile.

How are dental crowns placed?

The dental crown procedure typically involves two visits. During the first visit, your dentist will prepare the tooth by removing some enamel to make room for the crown.

They will then take an impression of your teeth to create a mold for the crown.

On the second visit, your dentist will place a temporary crown and then permanently cement the custom-made crown onto your tooth.

A Healthy, Beautiful Smile with Dental Crown Treatment

Would you like more information about crowns and bridges in North Sydney? Do you have a weak or damaged tooth? Dental crowns can improve your smile aesthetics and restore your teeth.

We welcome your call today to book a consultation with the dentist for Crowns and Bridges in North Sydney. We also encourage you to check out our current dental specials and packages!